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Lisa Marie Wasted Elvis’ Riches


SPOILED Lisa Marie Presley has blown through the $1 billion fortune she inherited from her father, Elvis — and is now homeless and crashing on relatives’ couches after losing custody of her twins!

In shocking court papers filed as part of her ugly divorce from fourth hubby, Michael Lockwood, 49-year-old Lisa Marie admits she has never really worked a day in her life, was milked dry by Scientology, got bad financial advice and squandered the rest of Elvis’ legacy on drugs and a luxury jet-set life.

Her heyday was crammed with expensive restaurants, designer clothes, $340,000       parties, multimillion estates, exotic cars, private jets and near-constant travel!

Now, Elvis’ only legally recognized child insists she’s so broke she can’t remember the last time she “spent money on clothes or shoes of any value,” is forced to get around on “a $3,500 Vespa scooter” and hasn’t flown — or traveled — in 18 months!

Find out more in this week’s GLOBE Magazine about Lisa Marie Presley’s wasteful spending.

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