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Dangerous Games!


Team USA will be lucky to get out of the Brazil Olympics with their medals – ALIVE!

A series of shocking blunders and catastrophes have made the $12 billion games in Rio de Janeiro , which kicked off on Aug. 5, the biggest flop in the history of the event – and the most dangerous to the athletes and fans.

The risks to athletes include: filty air, diseased waters and a shortage of hospital beds; swarms of mosquitoes carrying the dreaded Zika virus; a total lack of security from vicious Rio street gangs and terrorists; sexually transmitted diseases in the orgy-prone olympic village.

A chilling sign recently gretted arriving passengers at Rio’s airport saying: “WELCOME TO HELL!” “Police and firefighters don’t get paid, whoever comes to Rio de Janeiro will not be safe.”

Read more on the Olympics in this week’s GLOBE!

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